
Spring is a pivotal time for car maintenance. First, you’re coming out of winter where moisture, cold temperatures, and road salt have spent months battering your vehicle. And second, you’re entering the spring season where pollen, warm sunshine, and spring rains will have their turn. 

There’s a few things you can and should do every year to perform a little spring cleaning on your Jaguar. 

Give it a thorough wash 

Spring is a great time for a thorough wash and wax job. A good rinse will flush away any buildup of salt and road sludge that has accumulated, so make sure to pay attention to the underbelly of the vehicle when washing. And a fresh coat of wax will help bead away the spring rain and prevent sun damage. 

Replace the wiper blades 

Windshield wiper blades are put to the test every winter battling against sleet and snow. And yet they need to be fresh and ready to go for all those spring showers. That’s why this time of year is as good as any to replace those wipers. 

Change your oil

Cold temperatures cause engine oil to thicken up and flow more slowly, which can cause some buildup. Spring is a good time to flush your system and apply a fresh batch of oil. 

Top off other fluids

Your antifreeze has been working hard all winter to keep your engine from freezing up, and soon you’ll be asking it to double as a coolant for your air conditioner. You utilize your brakes more in the winter, which drains your brake fluid. Transmissions tend to leak fluid in the winter when parts freeze and contract. And all the precipitation of winter and spring can use up a lot of windshield wiper fluid. 

Top off all of your fluids before you hit the road this spring. 

Check your charge

Batteries are drained easier in cold temperatures, so check to see that you have plenty of life in your battery, and have your alternator inspected while you’re at it. 

Pump up your tires

For every 10-degree drop in temperature, your tires can lose one to two pounds of pressure. Make sure you have adequate tire pressure as you enter the spring season. 

Spring clean the interior

We tend to let our vehicles accumulate more clutter in the colder months, not to mention all the snow and ice that gets trudged aboard. Give the interior of your Jaguar a nice spring cleaning.

Drive Into Spring With Terry’s Jaguar Parts

With warmer weather on the horizon, spring is a good time to perform an audit of your Jaguar auto parts and repair or replace anything that is not up to speed in terms of safety or performance.

Terry’s Jaguar Parts is the preferred destination to find Jaguar parts online. We have parts for Jaguars of any model or year, and can deliver the part you need right to your doorstep. Find the part that you need, give your Jaguar some spring service, and stay safe out on the road this summer.